Coaching for Entrepreneurs and Corporate Teams
Entrepreneurs naturally have intense emotional and intuitive drives that they heavily rely on. This makes them feel like the bold and unconventional actions they’re taking will lead to success. But the reality is that those actions overwhelmingly lead to failure in a world full of risk and randomness. For example, over 75% of VC backed start-ups fail and that failure percentage is even higher for non-VC backed start-ups. Also depending on the year and field, anywhere from 70%- 95% of new product launches fail. So clearly emotion and intuition are pulling and pushing the entrepreneur in wrong directions. That’s because there is a hidden catch to using emotion and intuition for innovation that is understood by breakthrough innovators; successful innovation can only happen if the entrepreneur additionally develops a skill to use emotion and intuition as tools alongside their intelligence. Learning this skill has always been left to the chance of experience and/or natural ability. Hence the high failure of entrepreneurs. This skill, which is learned from the ITP online course, begins to shift the innovation paradigm from a high likelihood of failure to a high likelihood of success. But to complete that process the entrepreneur needs to go through the ITP Level Two for a stronger grasp of the concepts that will make the ITP even more potent.
Furthermore, Anton is himself an entrepreneur who has launched multimillion dollar companies. So he can additionally empower entrepreneurs with a high level-analysis of their company’s SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats). Along with a high-level analysis of the company’s vision, strategy and tactics. At minimum, Anton’s coaching is risk mitigation for the time, money and energy the entrepreneur is putting into their company. But most likely, it will be a transformative experience that will alter the entrepreneur’s vision and the direction of the company itself.
Corporate Teams engage in safe and conventional thinking as the norm. This is because most individuals working in corporations are naturally disposed to this type of thinking. But it’s also due to corporate culture increasingly pulling and pushing on teams to cooperate under a unifying vision as the corporation grows. As well as mitigating the factors of risk and randomness across an expanding complexity of operations. The combination of all these factors always leads to a group-think mindset within corporate teams. Then corporations eventually fall victim to bad decisions, from the lowest to highest level, being made within a group-think mindset. For example, consulting firm McKinsey found that 72% of senior executives thought their companies made bad decisions more often than good decisions. These bad decisions lead to monetizable losses, because it doesn’t matter how effective and efficient corporate teams become if they’re doing the wrong thing. Eventually, group-think leads to corporate failure, no matter how successful the corporation has been in the past. Blame is then allocated to many reasons for that failure. But those are all symptoms. Group-thinking, in one form or another, is the core reason.
In order for corporations to become sustainably successful in the future, their teams must engage in the opposite of group-thinking, and that’s entrepreneurial thinking. That does not mean teams have to go full-tilt bold and unconventional. Corporate teams simply must become more independent and innovative in their thinking. But corporate leadership does not know how to enact this change while preserving team cooperation. Furthermore, group-think is so engrained within corporate teams that it persists, even if leadership does try to change it.
Only by teams using the ITP can group-think be eliminated while preserving cooperation under one vision. This is possible because the ITP empowers teams to continually update their strategies and tactics through successful brainstorming that supports the corporation’s vision. Anton can help integrate the ITP within the corporate team culture by outlining an effective roadmap for teams to follow.
Anton provides coaching for a fee of $200 an hour to entrepreneurs and corporate teams.