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  • Anton Krutz



Here are three concepts that you have publicly expressed interest in: 1. To find something that’s true, that almost nobody agrees with. 2. To fix an institutionalized and homogenized education system. 3. To advance the developed world by being vertically intensive.

All three concepts are addressed as a process individually below. As well as being interconnected within a new paradigm that will emerge after a specific event takes place. That event is the launch of LED accelerator – – a new dual system program within U.S. Education that will develop Zero to One breakthrough innovators.

First: To develop an understanding of breakthrough innovation, a new framework needs to be described within which the cognitive mind and the physical brain are distinct constructs of one system. The traits of personality, intuition, emotion and thought cannot originate from a brain cell. The breakdown of a cell goes to molecules, atoms, subatomic particles and all the way to quantum planck length frequencies. Furthermore, the brain cell dies every 12 years. Consequently, there is simply no capacity within the construct of matter to harbor the cognitive mind. In computer terminology, the brain is like an adaptive biological motherboard while the mind is the operating system that runs and restructures the brain.

The human mind saves to memory all information input that the body sees, hears and experiences. Memory is therefore just information that the mind can access and assimilate to attain unique perspectives. This output process results in created incremental innovation. In contrast, breakthrough innovation is discovered because that information already exists and just needs to be sourced. Breakthrough innovators use their discovered information to establish new guideposts and direction for incremental innovators and the rest of society to follow. The existence of the cosmos is not left to chance and neither is human evolution. “God does not play dice”.

Second: The premise of U.S. Education forcing students to memorize information and then grading them on how well they regurgitate it, is now obsolete. This process wires the mind completely against creativity and critical thinking. Furthermore, no part of the U.S. Education system exists to specifically recognize and develop our potential breakthrough innovator adolescents. The special skills of those adolescents are snuffed out, re-channeled to fit conventional career fields or disciplined for incremental innovation. That is why breakthrough innovators like Steve Jobs came into existence by pure chance, in spite of the education system. The solution is to disrupt U.S. Education from inside.

Individualized Project Based Learning is the future of U.S. Education. But educators cannot explain, as a process, how to establish and evolve it. Educators will therefore cautiously experiment and waste generations of students’ lives until a process starts to develop. LED accelerator will break this bottleneck by developing adolescents that will adopt best practices as they strive to pursue big opportunity goals. Continually changing outcomes will provide evidence-based data on what aspects of LED accelerator can be implemented as guideposts for Project Based Learning. This process will then continually advance U.S. Education as a whole.

Third: LED accelerator shares the goals of other dual systems like Xerox, PARC, DARPA and Google X, that were created to be vertically intensive within their respective parent organization. The difference is that malleable brains of adolescents in this system are simultaneously being wired for adaptive algorithms by their experiences to better source innovation. LED accelerator adolescents will collaborate and compete while using tools that exist in the current world to manifest the products and services they intuitively see existing in the future world. Within this process they will face adversity and fail more than they succeed. Hence, they will all develop resiliency. As adults, that trait will be forged into courage.

Courage along with a honed intellectual and intuitive capability will be the skill set foundation of future leaders. This foundation will be crucial to successfully meet the immense challenge of guiding society with and through constant disruptive innovation. That is why LED accelerator adolescents will grow up to be leaders within the private, public, military and religious sectors of this exceptional nation. But societies in other developed nations will also need guideposts to follow as well. So LED accelerator is not just a program that will Make America Great Again. It will be the sustainable core of American Exceptionalism to lead the world.

In Conclusion: At this point you may be thinking that this new paradigm is limited to utilitarian tactics and strategy. Where is the breathtaking long-range vision and fun behind it you ask. It is anchored in the understanding that millions of future years of information in the form of breakthrough physics and technology can potentially be sourced. While the construct of planned randomness ensures that future human experiences and conflicts remain only as planned probabilities, the information for breakthrough physics and technology is set. Everything from Strong AI bots, to medical instruments that use frequencies in repairing DNA, to disc shaped Starships that without drag are propelled forward at near light speed by moving space-matter and spacetime around the vessel. [The current static model of spacetime is incorrect because it is the dynamic 5th force within one unified field. Some of the effects of this 5th force is attributed to nonexistent dark matter and dark energy placeholders.] Additionally, travel between star systems will be made possible by going through Einstein-predicted wormholes to explore the Milky Way frontier and engage its millions of sentient inhabited worlds.


Wouldn’t it be fun to hack our matrix ecosystem and go source it?


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