Background Context
Society has been accustomed to a slow impact from a gradually increasing rate of innovation change. For instance, this is how long it generally took the concepts of these impacts to make their way around the world:
- A few thousand years for farming.
- A few centuries for metalwork.
- A century for the Industrial Revolution.
- A few decades for personal computers.
In modern society, the rate of innovation is significantly accelerating, especially in biotech, advanced chip design, nanotech and regenerative robotics. Yet, the rate of innovation that’s outpacing all others is happening within the field of computer technology. A public example of that was when Google announced a few years ago it had successfully tested the quantum computer it had been creating. Google said their machine was able to finish a computational task in just 200 seconds — and that the world’s most powerful supercomputers would need 10,000 years to accomplish the same task.
Then specifically, the branch within computer technology that has the highest rate of change is AI. A public example of that was when an AI engineer, working on LaMDA, Google’s AI chatbot generator, publicly announced recently that he thought LaMDA became sentient. Furthermore, this rate of change is also paired with the highest rate of societal adoption of AI innovation. A public example of that is ChatGPT, an app developed by Open AI, which reached 100 million users in just two months.
Future Problems
Since AI will have the unique combination of having the highest innovation rate as well as the highest adoption rate, it will replace human labor in:
- Core government systems such as; military, police, education and judicial.
- Dozens of individual-oriented white-collar fields such as; journalism, legal, finance, medicine, coding, tech, administrative and STEM.
- Dozens of team-oriented blue-collar fields which will use thousands of different types of robotic automation integrated with AI. This will range from the simplest fast-food services to the most complex aerospace construction.
This immense impact on society will also happen very quickly because AI will be continuously:
- Using centrally located server structures that will be accessible by anyone, anywhere, anytime in the world.
- Learning all the new information that is published and then using that information to improve its abilities.
- Learning from billions of new interactions with humans and then using those experiences to improve its abilities.
- Innovating incrementally by cross-pollinating the learned new information and experiences within one field to improve processes within another field.
In short, the impact of AI will revolutionize society further and faster than all other innovation in history combined. That’s why business consulting firm McKinsey & Company reckons that, depending upon various adoption scenarios, automation will displace between 400 and 800 million jobs by 2030, requiring as many as 375 million people to switch job categories entirely. But society won’t need to wait for the complete AI revolution to happen to see huge job loss numbers. Even as the AI revolution begins a unique market condition will be initiated where corporations, in multiple fields that AI is impacting, will initiate layoffs simultaneously. This will launch a massive labor market disruption, as unemployed white-collar workers with college degrees will be forced to compete for fewer corporate jobs across all fields.
At that point, there will be significant volatility as many old large corporations are destroyed and new smaller corporations are created (i.e. Creative Destruction). Success will not be achieved by the strongest corporations nor by the ones with the most intelligent workers. Success will only be achieved by those corporations most adaptable to change. That new reality will undeniably affirm that a corporate system and an ecological system are both governed by the same Charles Darwin principle: “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent. It is the one most adaptable to change”.
Another system governed by Darwin’s principle is the system of U.S. Education. But this system has great difficulty adapting to change and still focuses on an obsolete core function of grading students on how well they memorize information. So when the inescapable massive labor market disruption starts, students and their parents will be hit by the painful reality that the current education system is no longer relevant within society. Students will then start to frantically look for alternative learning systems and leave U.S. Education. That’s why the current U.S. Education system will be one of the first to be destroyed by the AI revolution. This will in turn destroy most of the Universities as well because high school students will no longer be there to feed into them, and four-year degrees will become immaterial.
In response to a collapsing education system, politicians, administrators and educators will:
- Not understand that the root cause behind the collapse of a several hundred billion dollar system, that they thought was so strong and intelligent, is that it’s not adaptable to change.
- Be stunned by the brutal speed of the collapse and scramble to implement reactive fixes.
- Have no long-term solutions to transition an entire education system from being obsolete to being relevant.
Breakthrough Solutions
During the AI revolution three critical questions will emerge in society:
1. What unique ability do humans have to make them successful in the age of AI?
2. How can that unique ability be continually developed?
3. What kind of education system is adaptable to change?
Let’s answer these three questions here by doing what breakthrough innovators do, and that’s project disruptive concepts into the future that cannot yet be experienced directly. Furthermore, these concepts will be outlined as processes. This is because explaining concepts through a process separates credible concepts from those that are not. Ultimately, if someone can’t explain what they are talking about as a process, then they don’t know what they’re talking about.
Answer To Question #1:
In the future, humans will need to have the ability to come to work and do something new every day. If they need to be told what to do at work by management then they won’t be needed because AI will be able to do it. This will require humans to hone their unique potential ability for creativity. This ability is unique because AI will never have creativity. AI only seems to function with creativity because the results of those functions imitate what humans currently label as creativity in themselves. Yet this is an incorrect projection of a human perspective onto AI. Alongside intelligence, humans have the unique attributes of intuition and emotion that are required for creativity, while AI only has intelligence. This means that many of the functions humans currently do, that AI can do as well, are mislabeled as creativity. So in the future, society will more accurately define the functions that humans and AI share as exploration, curiosity, experimentation, strategic thinking, incremental innovation, amusement etc, but not as functions of creativity.
With clarification given on what creativity is not, creativity will now be defined as what it is. Creativity always requires humans to:
A) Start out by asking questions, internally and/or sharing verbally with others externally. The action of asking questions is the most powerful metaphysical tool humans have. Without asking questions humans would have great difficulty focusing on and improving what they are doing or retaining any new information. Without questions, learning and innovation becomes nearly impossible.
B) Understand their present reality (i.e Present Paradigm) and come up with new destination ideas (i.e. New Paradigm), while connecting (i.e. Connecting Paradigm) their present reality with their new destination.
C) Function effectively while thinking through their multiple paradigms in a constantly changing environment. This means that a constantly changing environment also forces a constant change in the present, new and connecting paradigms as well. For example, AI can drive cars and fly planes as long as the conditions of the environment within which the AI is functioning does not change. So if a wheel comes of a driving car and/or there are severe accidents along with dangerous road conditions, then AI will completely fail. Respectively, if a wing is ripped of a flying plane and/or there is significant debris along with turbulent weather conditions, then AI will completely fail. Only the human attributes of intuition and emotion, which AI will NEVER have the computation capability to match (no matter how powerful it becomes in the future), gives humans the creative potential to survive and succeed in the most extreme constantly changing environments.
So the definition of creativity that can be collectively shared by society would be:
Holding in mind the present paradigm, then coming up with a new destination paradigm and connecting paradigm, while functioning effectively in a changing environment.
This is the intense process creative artists push themselves to go through in order to stay relevant and avoid becoming obsolete. Furthermore, the top artists employ a continuous stream of internal questioning that accesses their intuition and emotion to empower them to the highest level of creativity. In the future, this same process is what humans will have to go through to use all advancing technology as tools, or otherwise they will be made obsolete by that same technology.
Yet, advancing technology used in all organizations, from education to NGO’s to corporations, will require humans to work as teams. To date it has been assumed that highly creative humans are lone wolves that can’t work in teams. This assumption is wrong. The propensity through history for highly creative humans to work alone has been solely due to their internal drive to go around the obstructions they faced to achieve their goals and visions. But a team is simply a group of humans that coordinate their actions toward a shared goal or vision. So if highly creative workers in any organization come together to do this, they can coordinate as autonomous members within a team and achieve exceptional outcomes. As an example, look at the music domain from a corporate perspective. Highly creative musicians improvising together in a group, sharing the same goal and vision, is a team.
Answer To Question #2:
Creativity is completely interconnected with the brain/mind dynamic. But to date, the attempts to explain that dynamic have used vague descriptions along with disconnected studies and concepts. So the development of creativity can only be achieved if there is first a coherent, directionally accurate, explanation of the brain/mind dynamic as a process. This process has been alluded to in philosophical and religious terms for thousands of years. Here it will be described simply through an advanced computer paradigm:
The brain is like an adaptive biological motherboard/hardware while the mind is the operating system/software that runs and wires the brain. In this process, the mind’s speed and transmission capacity is limited by the physical brain’s wiring. So the brain is being constantly re-wired by the mind to accommodate the mind’s increasing speed and transmission capacity needs. Also, there is different wiring of the brain to accommodate the mind’s need for either creativity or conformity. The mind wiring the brain for creativity simultaneously increases the brains neural connections and information transmission capacity (i.e. Upgrading Biological Hardware). In turn, the brain’s increased potential enables the mind to then increase its operational speed and capacity to evolve in complexity. This self-reinforcing loop enabling the mind to upgrade has been labeled by Psychology as a ‘growth mindset’. (i.e. Upgrading Cognitive Software). Within this process, emotion and intuition act as catalysts to continuously influence and motivate the mind to wire the brain.
Like a computer operating system/software is comprised of multiple components, so is the mind. Two of those mind components are the emotion and intuition. Another mind component is Divergent Thought, which is divided into three distinct types of thinking - Creative Thought, Reactive Thought and Rational Thought. But the main mind component is 'you' the ‘Self’, which is the identity you sense and perceive your-self to be. You are also the decision maker and the only component that asks questions. Furthermore, out of all the mind components, only you (the Self) are curious and can ask questions. Your questions command the focus of all the other mind components on the topic of the question asked and then simultaneously opens an area in your mind for new ideas, answers and solutions to enter. (i.e. Cognitive Command Prompt). If you already had the answers you needed within your memory of experiences, then you would not be asking a question. The act of asking questions means you are seeking information from a source outside of your memory. So when you ask questions internally, the responses come in the form of information-based choices from your Divergent Thought, as well as physiological-based responses from emotion and intuition. Then you perceive those responses as answers to the questions you asked. Hence at its core, internal creativity is always a process of collaboration. More in-depth information on this at: Why The Mind Wires The Brain For Creativity Or Conformity
With the disclosure of this paradigm, a new inter-connected understanding is now possible of the four domains that have the greatest potential for stimulating the mind to wire the brain for creativity. While some of these domains have been engaged with separately at different levels in variable settings, their full potential impact on students can only be realized once they are integrated within a curriculum system:
The first domain is profession-based experiential learning. This domain has been experimented with a lot in education. It is exemplified by the national CAPS Network. More in-depth information on this at: YourCapsNetwork.org
The second domain has been known for millennia. It’s the domain that every child naturally, intuitively, emotionally and physically desires to engage in. This is the domain of dancing, singing, drawing, acting/pretending and making music. The result of this engagement has the mind wiring the brain for creativity, which is especially critical and impactful on a child’s brain that is still mailable. In the last few centuries this domain has been termed as ‘the arts’. But in the coming age of AI, this domain will become better understood as one of the most powerful platforms to stimulate the mind to wire the brain for creativity. But within this domain, one discipline is the most powerful in this function. This discipline is the engagement in music training on an acoustic instrument. More in-depth information on this at: Music-Advocacy.com
The third domain is the engagement with ideas and problem solving. In contrast, this domain has been shrouded in ambiguity. Throughout history, this domain was only truly understood by a very small percentage of individuals within society who were the breakthrough innovators in their specific fields. In this domain, breakthrough innovators naturally and instinctively understood how they could use questions to intentionally access new information from their mind components to generate new ideas and problem solve. Philosophers and scientist have defined that powerful cognitive process as doing ‘Thought Experiments’. Now this powerful process has been unmasked and developed into a free 90-minute online course called the ITP, which stands for Innovative Thinking Process. More in-depth information on this at: OIsource.com
The fourth domain is team-oriented computer gaming. This develops the mind’s ability for spontaneous decision-making and collaboration. Students engaged in this domain learn by playing random new computer games that they don’t know the rules to, along with teaming up with random new players. Fun and struggle are co-mingled in this process as teams are thrown together to try and to figure out rules and navigate a successful strategy for each new game (i.e. Work The Problem). This is a process of continually exposing the mind to the experience of adapting to low-level adversity of changing environments (i.e. Controlled Adversity). Learning to ‘work the problem’ under ‘controlled adversity’ as a student is the cornerstone to developing a skill as an adult to succeed in any future adversity of constantly changing high-level opportunity and threat environments. This domain of team-oriented computer gaming is currently being implemented in the Elon Musk launched schools of Synthesis. More in-depth information on this at: Synthesis.com
The one connection that runs through all these domains is that they all engage with the potential of failure. This is because only by constantly engaging with the potential of failure can a human get comfortable enough to ultimately take the needed risks to succeed. This has been understood and proven through history in one other domain, and that’s sports. Michael Jordan explained it best when he said:
“I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.”
This insight matters when analyzing today’s education system. Because within the main focus of U.S. Education to grade students on memorized information, failure is avoided, discouraged and punished.
Answer To Question #3:
Throughout history, memorizing information has been a valued and rewarded skill. This was because information was closely guarded and extremely difficult to disseminate. Hence memorized information had always been used for survival and success. Yet in our age where all information has become a free commodity, that is accessible from anywhere, the skill of being able to memorize information is worthless. Einstein understood this almost a century ago when he noted: “Never memorize something that you can look up.” Now the only value information has is how effectively it can be searched for, found, aggregated, and creatively transformed. But U.S. Education does not teach that type of creative skill. This is a critical flaw in U.S. Education because now the era of mass production will be ending and the era of mass customization will begin. In turn, the era of human labor will also be ending and the era of human creativity will begin.
As corporations start needing more workers that have the skill of creativity, they will recognize that a growing and sustainable U.S. economy is completely hinged to the success of not only developing young minds to think creatively as they are forming but to also develop breakthrough innovators. (This is because breakthrough innovators have the cognitive abilities to push/pull society to evolve no matter how intransigent the conditions are around them. More in-depth information on this at: Why Information For All Future Breakthrough Innovation Already Exists) Only then will the combined focus of government and corporate attention, in their-own self-interest, turn to U.S. Education. Tremendous resources will be invested into experiments to develop a new education system. Yet educators will not be able to explain, as a process, how to establish and then continually innovate such a new system. Furthermore, any proposed curriculum will need to be sustainable, scalable and innovate ahead of the needs of an evolving society around it. Yes, U.S. Education should be years ahead and not years behind society. Consequently, many decades and generations of students will be lost until a final new system emerges that can scale throughout all of U.S. Education. That final new education system will be presented here and now as breakthrough innovation.
This new education system is called LED Accelerator, which stands for Leadership Empowering Diversity. It will be based on the four domains of profession-based experiential learning, the arts, ITP and team-oriented computer gaming. LED Accelerator would be a dual system within U.S. Education that will develop selected gifted students to become future high-level creative thinkers, breakthrough innovators and adult leaders. LED Accelerator would share the goals of other dual systems like Xerox, PARC, DARPA and Google X that were created to be vertically intensive within their respective parent organization.
LED Accelerator would also operate like a startup accelerator, empowering its participating students to collaborate and compete in using tools that exist in the current world to manifest the products and services they intuitively see existing in the future world. This dual system will be sustainable because the self-directed LED Accelerator student teams, within each school district, will be utilizing best practices, learning strategies and interactive cultures within the constant adversity of hyper-changing environments. The outcome will be hyper-changing curriculum and team achievements.
Through this process, LED Accelerator will provide the internally generated evidence-based data for educators and administrators to analyze and then decide on which aspect to use to continually advance the rest of U.S. Education, the respective parent organization of LED Accelerator. So the current process of relying on failed guesses of ‘education experts’ to originate future curriculum and doctrines will cease.
The intense adversity of LED Accelerator will also develop students to become the future leaders in society, because great leaders can only be forged through adversity. This will require in-person adult mentoring of students on integrity because the development of integrity in an adolescent cannot be achieved through self-direction and must have an adult guiding it. Leaders without integrity will use their influence and technology to hurt society rather than help it. Warren Buffet explained it best when he said:
“In looking for people to hire, look for three qualities, integrity, intelligence and energy. And if they don’t have the first the other two will kill you.”
In turn, the LED Accelerator students who become the future leaders, will then continually guide an accelerated evolution of U.S. social, economic, government and military advancement. More in-depth information on this at: LEDaccelerator.com
In the past, societal evolution has always been driven by the reactive action of human nature, which waits until the point-of-pain to deal with radical disruptions. The information outlined hereto gives a unique opportunity for society, and specifically U.S. Education, to take a creative action instead. U.S. Education can engage the quickly approaching disruptive future by launching LED Accelerator now, rather than waiting until the point-of-pain that future will bring.