The existence and evolution of an immensely complex atomic system and cosmological system cannot be accidental. Both are therefore a designed condition. Furthermore, the existence and evolution of an immensely complex societal system cannot be accidental. It is therefore a designed condition. In turn, the existence of natural breakthrough innovators within society is also a designed condition. Collectively, breakthrough innovators exist as the main catalysts that continually push/pull society to evolve, no matter the political, social, government or military state of affairs. Once breakthrough innovators manifest their concepts, it forces society to conform around them and hence evolve. The reason breakthrough innovators have this natural ability is because they have, from birth, pre-wired brains with in-sync minds for innovation. Then due to their driven curiosity, their minds continue to re-wire their brains to further develop that natural ability. The result is one where breakthrough innovators become aware of their intelligence collaborating with their intuition to discover information from outside their own personal knowledge base for breakthrough concepts. Like Einstein noted: “The intellect has little to do on the road to discovery. There comes a leap of consciousness, call it intuition or what you will, the solution comes to you….”
In the modern commercial space, breakthrough innovators are the only ones with a strong enough intuitive drive to have the confidence and determination to push/pull their companies forward through the brutal processes of Creative Destruction. That is a necessary process because in order for a company to be sustainable it must continually destroy its old products/services and creatively replace them with new ones. In contrast, non-breakthrough innovator leadership eventually succumbs to the desire of extending the life cycle revenue of old products/services because the compensation structure of everyone connected with their company is built around the old products/services. This results in that company going through a process of Reactive Destruction. Consequently, without the leadership drive of a breakthrough innovator to cut through the entrenched resistance of internal employees and external investors, most companies will eventually fail.
The few individuals that were born to be natural breakthrough innovators were under constant and intense mental pressure while being pushed/pulled (so they can do the same to society) to fulfill their destiny or be destroyed trying. An example of some of the most famous of these individuals in this century are; Einstein, Tesla and Jobs. These types of individuals through history have been canonized for their contribution to society. Though it must be understood that natural breakthrough innovators were enslaved to their destiny. They were never free or had other options. But there are many other very gifted individuals that have brains and minds with immense potential that are not pre-set for breakthrough innovation. These individuals therefore have many life outcome options open to them in many fields of their choosing for incremental innovation. Yet strong character attributes of perseverance and self-motivation to constantly push their mind’s curiosity to evolve led some of these individuals to go beyond incremental innovation and become self-determined breakthrough innovators. An example of some of the most famous of these individuals in this century are; Edison, Ford, Gates, Branson, Page, Brin, Zuckerberg, Bezos, and Musk.
But the development of self-determined breakthrough innovators is incidental, or so it was thought. Now a new breakthrough process has been created by OIsource (oisource.com) that is a gateway to developing breakthrough innovators. It’s called the ITP, which stands for Innovative Thinking Process. The ITP is a mental and writing exercise that enables us to intentionally originate, interconnect and validate relevant ideas as the foundation for successful innovation. It is a creative, demanding, self-directed, solitary endeavor that challenges us to think differently. The ITP reaches beyond ideas and actually develops Idea Models. This is the reason breakthrough innovators succeed, because of their skill to develop Idea Models that have the capability to project future disruptive concepts that cannot yet be experienced directly. Additionally, extensive use of the ITP acts as a catalyst to increase the velocity and volume of information that the mind is capable of integrating into innovation. The totality of this process then yields a path to find out if someone ultimately has the ability to master these skills and become a breakthrough innovator. In the future, as the ITP becomes widely used, the increased numbers of breakthrough innovators it develops will ultimately change the trajectory and evolution of society.
Everyone can now have the opportunity to experience this breakthrough process for innovation with the online ITP course, which is currently being offered free for a limited time at: oisource/teachable.com/p/itp