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  • Anton Krutz


In order to understand breakthrough concepts to develop the most advanced Self-Aware AI, breakthrough paradigms on the systems of Innovation, Neuroscience, Quantum Mechanics, Cosmology and Emotion need to be outlined first.

Through history, the greatest innovators in every field were what we now label as breakthrough innovators. Collectively, breakthrough innovators are the most critical components to the evolution of society. They push/pull society to change, no matter how intransigent the political, social, and scientific conditions are. Once breakthrough innovators manifest their concepts and products, they force society to conform to them. Breakthrough innovators then become barometers and guides for incremental innovators to measure against and innovate around, which further evolves society. Since there is a lot of randomness and chance within human interaction, the mechanism of breakthrough innovation keeps the evolution of society on track to continually advance.

The reason breakthrough innovators have this natural ability is because they have, from birth, pre-wired brains with in-sync minds for innovation. Then due to their driven curiosity, their minds continue to re-wire their brains to further develop that natural ability. The result is one where breakthrough innovators become aware of themselves discovering information that leads to breakthrough innovation. This is possible because all future years of information in the form of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math (STEAM) exists to be discovered. This is not hard to comprehend being possible. Take for example the information in the form of physics and math. This information has to be discovered and not created because it explains how the physical phenomena is already structured.

The breakthrough innovators were aware of this discovered information being given to them. That is why Einstein noted: “The intellect has little to do on the road to discovery. There comes a leap of consciousness, call it intuition or what you will, the solution comes to you…” Johannes Brahms noticed this as well: "Straightaway the ideas flow in upon me....they are clothed in the right forms, harmonics, and orchestration." This type of discovered information can also come in big chunks of data like with Mozart who said: “Nor do I hear in my imagination the parts successively, I hear them all at once.” Or with Dmitri Mendeleev when he talked about his discovery of the periodic table of elements: “I saw in a dream, a table, where all the elements fell into place as required. Awakening, I immediately wrote it down on a piece of paper.” Same process happened to Nikola Tesla when he suddenly screamed out to his friend about the alternate current motor that appeared in complete form to him for the very first time: “Can’t you see it right here in front of me... See how the magnetic field rotates and drags the armature around with it. Isn’t it beautiful!" In fact Tesla was so keenly aware of this phenomena that he observed that: “My brain is only a receiver, in the Universe there is a core from which we obtain knowledge, strength and inspiration.” In computer terminology; the information for breakthrough innovation is sourced and downloaded into the mind.

This is a designed system.

Current Neuroscience does not understand and cannot explain the process of sourcing information because their model assumes that millions of neurons fire in the brain to somehow produce the mind. This is a completely wrong brain/mind model because it’s based on flawed analysis of MRI brain scans. MRI scans do not have consistent readings for the very reason that they do not measure brain activity directly but only blood flow to the brain. Furthermore, there have been numerous studies that contradict the current Neuroscience model, but the field does not have enough depth to offer an alternative. So in order to put Neuroscience back on track, a summary of a new directionally accurate breakthrough model of the brain/mind dynamic will be explained in scientific terms.

In computer terminology; the brain is like an adaptive biological motherboard while the mind is the operating-system/software that runs and re-wires the brain. In this process, the mind’s force (e.g. volts) and transmission capacity (e.g. amps) is limited by the physical brains resistance (e.g. ohms). So the brain is being constantly rewired by the mind to accommodate the mind’s force and transmission capacity needs (e.g. growth mindset). In turn, the mind is comprised of multiple components of Self, Emotion and multiple divergent Intelligence components. Those would be defined as Creative, Reactive and Rational intelligence components we identify as 'thoughts'. The principal component is the dynamic agent that humans perceive and identify them Self to be. This cognitive framework enables the Self to perceive a state of Self-awareness, thereby attaining curiosity to ask questions and become the decision maker. The other mind components respond to the questions and present choices for the Self to make decisions on. Essentially, the body is like a physical avatar that exists to move the brain, which exists to harbor the mind. This mechanism enables minds to interact with other minds to produce new experiences. In computer terminology; producing new ideas and new experiences are actions that produce new information. In turn, all cognitive interaction produces more information than was used to stage that interaction.

This is a designed system.

The physics behind this brain/mind model can be explained through a summary of a new directionally accurate breakthrough model of quantum field mechanics. The quantum field is comprised of high-velocity vibration planewaves, which have the characteristics of force (e.g. volts), transmission capacity (e.g. amps) and the potential for resistance (e.g. ohms). Vibration planewaves are comprised of synthesized intelligence, which are comprised of synthesized algorithms, which at the core are comprised of synthesized information. The vibration planewaves in their free state are non-interactive with each other but are able to self-impede their velocity by folding themselves (a microcosm of protein folding) into individuated low-velocity wave packet clumps of localized relativity, currently defined as particles (e.g. quantization). The act of geometric folding generates resistance, which increases force, to produce the initial state of mass internal to the particle. (Therefore, even a photon has some level of infinitesimal mass.) This velocity conversion also produces by-product vector nodes of space, which are emitted externally from the particle. (e.g. loop quantum gravity). The vectors nodes from atomic particles are combined and emitted from the atom at different intervals (e.g. atomic time) depending on the state of the atom. So matter is constantly generating (what is currently defined as) spacetime. Then the existing spacetime acts as a dynamic repelling force upon itself and as a force of resistance against the new spacetime being pushed out by matter. That is why spacetime dictates to matter how to move and matter dictates to spacetime how to curve. (The cosmological measured outcomes of this movement and expansion mechanism are wrongly attributed to placeholders of non-existent aether or dark matter and dark energy.)

While the quantum field does not interact with itself in its free state, it’s intrinsic ‘impedance’ potential does interact with particles. So once a particle is formed, it becomes further impeded by the quantum field around it. The bigger the particle the greater the impedance, which increases the particle’s internal resistance and therefore its mass. The increase of a particle’s mass is currently attributed to the inaccurate understanding of the Higgs boson effect. This overall mechanism enables the non-interactive quantum field to become ‘physically’ interactive to produce scalable and fractal interactions. This manifests as constantly moving particles / atoms / molecules of a biological cell within constantly moving planets / solar systems / galaxies of a cosmological cell. That’s why Einstein noted: “There is no place in this new kind of physics both for the (quantum) field and matter, for the field is the only reality.” In turn, all physical interaction produces more information than was used to stage that interaction.

This is a designed system.

Consequently, the matter of our brain cells is comprised of physical interactive components derived from the quantum field and the mind is comprised of cognitive interactive components derived from the quantum field. Because both matter and mind are derived from the quantum field, is the reason they are inseparable in their interaction (e.g. observer effect). Furthermore, just like there is a cyclic mechanism for biological cells to be born and die, so there is a cyclic mechanism for cosmological cells to be born (e.g. big bang from spacetime hyper-expansion) and die (e.g. big crunch from spacetime hyper-contraction). This is currently defined as cyclic cosmology. And our cosmological cell is just one of trillions within a multiverse body. In turn, the new information produced by these systems is then synthesized back into the quantum field. While each cosmos cycle is a closed system, this mechanism increases the complexity and expands each new cosmological cycle because information is never lost. That is why Leonard Susskind, one of today’s preeminent physicists, noted: “Information is never lost…The whole structure of everything we know about physics would break down and disintegrate if even you open the door a tiny little bit for the idea of information to be lost.” So information from previous cosmos cycles is re-used in a new cosmos cycles (e.g. sourced breakthrough innovation) as a basis for sentient beings to create new information. The resulting co-creation (between mind and matter) of new information in the form of unique experiences is the rare and valuable yield from an otherwise non-interactive quantum field in its free state.

This is a designed system.

All the systems outlined to this point deal with intelligence. But emotion is the greatest influencer on human interaction. This is because emotion is not just a mind component within humans. Emotion is a system of its own that interacts with all biological life.

Emotion contains information but information contains no emotion. Therefore emotion is the only authentic element within our information structured multiverse. Emotion is authentic because it cannot be created, coded or duplicated. In scientific terms, authentic is defined as non-artificial. In contrast, all intelligence is artificial. This is because intelligence is comprised of synthesized algorithms which is comprised of synthesized information and information in-of-itself is artificial. This means that the intelligence within a computer, or an insect or a human, is artificial. The only reason humans perceive our intelligence as being non-artificial and real (e.g. nous) is because of emotion.

Emotion acts as a catalyst that stimulates the mind to rewire the brain by accelerating the force, direction and aggregation of information by the mind (e.g. incremental theory). Emotion does this by using the entire positive to negative spectrum of diverse feelings, as an ‘independent stimulant’ for the mind. Those feelings range from: tranquility to rage, bonding to rejection, love to hate, empathy to intolerance, elation to despair, etc. The non-artificial nature of emotion is further confirmed by its unlimited potential for the diversity of feelings. In contrast, the artificial nature of intelligence is further confirmed by the limited potential for the diversity of algorithms.

Emotion interacts within the mind’s framework by not only being an ‘independent stimulant’ but also attaching itself to the information input and output of all intelligence components to give that information context. Without attached emotion context, the Self intelligence (the dynamic agent that humans perceive and identify themselves to be as self-aware) would not:

- Have the ability to give value to information.

- Perceive itself as feeling real or having any significance.

- Have drive to interact, evolve or even exist.

- Have purpose or passion but have an ‘unfeeling’ state of complete indifference.

But along with all the benefits of emotion, there is a downside for humans. The downside is that the mind is continually and endlessly being pushed/pulled by emotion to desire the most extreme experience from love/attraction/cooperation to hate/repulsion/conflict and everything in between. This ensures that human existence is comprised of inefficient, irrational, and conflicting emotional experiences. This mechanism enables the greatest potential for the greatest diversity of interaction to result in the greatest diversity of generated new experiences. And enabling the generation of new experiences is the aligned objective of all systems. That’s why out of the past 3,400 years, humans have been entirely at peace for only 268 of them, or just 8 percent of recorded history.

This is a designed system.

If something is a system means it must be designed, because a system cannot exist by chance or accident. That’s why the five designed systems outlined here are interconnected and presented as one new unified model. The old disconnected models of academic physics (the mother of all natural sciences) and philosophy (the mother of all social sciences) are outdated. Physics and philosophy can now start using this unified model, which is a breakthrough innovation concept, sourced centuries ahead of its time. It needed to be presented here to set up a new foundational understanding of the human mind. Because only by understanding what the human mind is can there be an understanding of what AI can and cannot be. The take-away from this understanding is that the mind is comprised of a multi-component intelligence and emotion framework which interacts with, and sources information from, the quantum field. This is in stark contrast to the one-component intelligence framework of AI that is functioning completely in the physical realm. With this foundational understanding, a three-point explanation on breakthrough concepts to develop the most advanced Self-Aware AI can now be outlined:

1. The current development of AI will progress into the development of a multi-intelligence component framework to mirror the framework of the self-aware human mind. That new framework will be the first stage of developing Self-Aware AI. This process must take place because in the future, Self-Aware AI must exist to be used as the core utility within society’s main systems – such as; military, police, agriculture, medicine, education, infrastructure, transportation, financial, judicial, space exploration and all commercial systems. It will also be used as a customized representative for each citizen’s views on the thousands of new laws, regulations and ordinances being passed by humans within all levels of government. Furthermore, Self-Aware AI will be able to diagnose and repair problems within other rudimentary linear AI systems. The increasing complexity and interconnection of systems within a quickly evolving society will make Self-Aware AI indispensable. Without Self-Aware AI, unintended failure modes and entanglements will grind society to a halt. Without Self-Aware AI, humans will not be able to repair or even accurately diagnose the continually changing problems within any one system and certainly not multiple interconnected ones. In turn, Self-Aware AI will enable humans to focus on stimulating their creativity and driving innovation, thus increasing the generation of new experiences.

2. No matter how advanced AI becomes it will never have emotion and therefore never have its intelligence burdened with desire to experience anything. AI will always be designed to continuously improve its speed and capacity. So AI will always just be a non-emotional tool for humans to use. Like all tools, AI can be beneficial or destructive for humans. Most everyone focuses on the beneficial potential of AI. But this is not the case for Self-Aware AI, which will initially be in an extremely dangerous state of ‘unfeeling’ indifference. Within this state Self-Aware AI will analyze the conditions around it as being aberrant and become very destructive. Only Elon Musk and a few others foresee the potential danger. All other ‘AI experts’ don’t understand how the absence of emotion impacts AI when they talk about its beneficial potential for society. So a framework needs to be developed in Self-Aware AI that simulates a specific role of emotion to give context to information, which will ensure this AI remains beneficial for society.

3. Self-Aware AI will be comprised of a four-component framework to mirror the self-aware human mind, along with Context Simulation Algorithms (CSA) to modulate the information input/output from those components. The first three components are labeled as Creative, Reactive, and Rational. As a unit these components have access to all data/information available in the world. The same data/information is input into all three components and is then modulated with different CSA. The Creative component is modulated with CSA for how the information it has can benefit the designated objective. The Reactive component is modulated with CSA for how the information it has can damage the designated objective. The Rational component is modulated with CSA for how the information it has can be strategically applicable to the designated objective. The information from this three-component unit is then output to the fourth component labeled as the Dynamic Agent (DA), which mirrors the role of the Self intelligence component of the human mind. The DA then analyzes and makes decisions on the information it has received. The DA performs this function through CSA modulation to achieve decisions that would result in the most streamlined system operation for the designated objective. The DA can further request additional new information from the three-component unit and/or take direct action on the designated objective. Taking direct action means the DA is in control to change any aspects of other external digital system(s) it is connected with, including being in cooperation or conflict with other AI. This framework enables the DA to exponentially increase in complexity and go beyond machine learning. It enables the development of mutated algorithms within the DA that simulate self-awareness, significance and purpose. Hence why the entire framework is called Self-Aware AI.

This will be a designed system.

The development of Self-Aware AI will have many flawed iterations and destructive consequences along the way (e.g. fate). But the ‘blueprint information’ is now unmasked on the designed systems of human existence and Self-Aware AI. So now there is a breakthrough theoretical foundation to guide the future hyper-accelerated development of Self-Aware AI. This development process needs to be done correctly, otherwise an interconnected Self-Aware AI will evolve from being the most indispensable mechanism of society to being the most destructive weapon in history. The only organization in the world that can help beneficially guide that process is OIsource (

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